Sunday, 24 July 2011

Seedlings of Change

The time for expression is gone, the waters flowed once more over the barren soil. filling the cracked, desolate earth, flowing freely once more.

Those waters, initially muddied are now clear and seeds lurk beneath the sodden ground, chances, choices, possibilities all await the right conditions to come forth.

Do I know where my life will lead? Do I need to? I trust in the powers that have guided and upheld me even when I resented them and turned from them. I wait, and will see what develops.

I am changed and I am yet myself. Things change, as have I, and my tolerance for peoples foolishness wanes like a darkening moon. I am awake, changed, refreshed and curious as to how the world will work now. The time for one part of my life is over, the next begins, who knows where it leads. I cannot spend too much time admiring the future lest I stumble upon the path I now walk.

Learn from the past but do not dwell upon it for you cannot change what has happened.
Look to the future but do not focus on it for you will not see the perils of the steps you take now.
Live in the present, fully, embrace your life. Sieze the day with both hands and wring what pleasure, happiness and peace you can from it because as the bell tolls midnight you shall not see its like again. Look to the next day with the eyes of a child, anticipatory, eager to see what comes. If you cannot do this, then look to your life for there is something missing from it. Find out what it is and change it, become all that you can be. Balance negativity with positivity, find your goals and strive toward them. Learn, as I am, to enjoy what you have.

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